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Most popular tests taken today

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Photo Credit: Canva  
We Can Guess Your Age and Personality From The Words You Use
Our vocabulary usually developed with age. As we grow older, we learn several new sets of words to widen our vocabulary to communicate effectively.

Our language somehow, whether we recognize it or not reflects our age and personality in some way. Join this quiz below and let's find out if we can guess your age and personality right!
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Photo: Canva  
QUIZ: Can You Guess The Country of These Popular Dishes?
Every country has its own distinct culture, language, and unique dish. But do you know centuries ago, nations would develop their own cuisine simply to distinguish themselves from their rivals??

Down below we have a challenge for you to guess the origins of these cuisines.

Can you really answer these questions? Let's find that out!
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Photo: Canva  
Personality Test: How Patient Are You?
Patience is an attitude of holding back emotions and desires and enduring difficult situations without complaining. It seems that the word patience is an expression that often comes out when someone gets life's trials or is in an unfavorable condition.

Well, how about you? Are you often said to be impatient by friends and family? Or, are you often praised for not being easily annoyed? Try to find out if you are a patient of the following quiz!
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Photo: Canva  
Guess This Stuff and Find Out Your Personality
The following quiz questions are suitable for almost all age groups and range from easy to profoundly thought-provoking. You will be asked to guess household items by their photo piece only. It's not a hard job since the stuff is what you usually use or see daily.
Now let's see how well you can identify these household items!
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Photo: Canva  
